I3E'2005 conference落選

投稿していた論文が採択されなかったという通知がきた。残念と言えば残念だが、ある程度は予測がついていた。内容がe-Goverment関係の会議に投稿するには技術により過ぎているのだ。TOMOYO Linuxは国内では4本の論文を書いているが、早く英語の論文を書かねば。


Since the focus of this conference is on e-commerce, e-business and e-government, it would be good for the paper to provide a business perspective on the problem being addressed and the propopsed solution in that context.


It's an interesting, rather technical paper on providing some extra security facility to Linux. SELinux looks good and can do what it promises. I'm not sure whether the paper is entirely relevant to the audience of the conference owing to its technical character. 


The idea and the implementation mentioned in this paper are very interesting. It solves the problems in the way different from SELinux, by adding history table in task_struct. Bellows are several hints for improving the paper.
[]- It is understandable that access control is refined by introducing history table. It, however, seems make policy definition more complicated. It is better to mention more why "daunting task" in the Abstract is, on the contrary, reduced.
[]- You should mention how this improvement in O/S relates to eCommerce, eBusiness or eGovernment applications somewhere in the paper.
[]- Page 10: "it makes shellcode difficult to work" is difficult to understand.
[]- Page 5 (3.1): "constitute the most interesting" is unclear.
[]- References: Please say "(in Japanese)" when a paper is written in Japanese.