
日本時間の午前7時過ぎ、LinuxConの事務局から"LinuxCon Speaker Presentation Materials Reminder"(LinuxCon講演者資料登録のお願い)というタイトルで、「今日が講演スライドの登録の期日だからよろしくね」というリマインダが送られてきた。リマインダは期日の前に送らないとあまり意味がないと思ったが、それ以上に事務局が予定されたスケジュールに従い、運用しようとしていることに驚愕した。


Just a reminder that your presentation materials need to be uploaded by tomorrow, Tuesday, September 1st. Please follow these steps to submit your materials:

1. Go to


We greatly appreciate your efforts in submitting the materials on time. If you are going to be late in submitting your presentation materials please email us at ******** and let us know the reason for the delay and how much additional time you require. Thank you.


LinuxCon Steering Committee


事務局のメールには抗議や質問が殺到するだろうと思っていたが、案の定約17時間後に"LinuxCon-Extension for Speaker Presentation Materials"(LinuxCon講演者資料の登録期限延期について)というタイトルで変更のメールが送られてきた。

Good Morning,

It has come to my attention that the initial email notifications for the September 1 due date of Speaker Presentation Materials have not been received by most, if not all, speakers. I apologize for this error. Because of this, we are extending the deadline for Speaker Presentation Materials to September 10th. If you need more time than that, please email us and let us know.

Speakers may use their own computers for presentations. The purpose of collecting slides is to make them available to attendees on our online community. If you do not want your slides available to attendees before the event, please just email them to us at *******@linuxfoundation.or and we will not post them until afterwards.

Again, I apologize for the confusion.

Thank you,

Angela Brown

Please follow these steps to submit your materials:

1. Go to

Thank you. And we look forward to seeing you in September!