Kernel Summitから招待状がきたーーーーーー!

2007年2月、「あのときのYLUG」で言われた言葉の中に、「Kernel Summitに招待されるようになれ(ごるぁ)」というのがあった。そのときは、何のことかわからなかったが、今にして思うとむちゃくちゃな話である。駄菓子菓子(笑)、ついにプロジェクトに本当に招待状がきた。(T_T)



Subject: Invitation to the 2009 Kernel Summit
Date: Tue, 02 Jun 2009 22:06:44 -0400
From: Theodore Ts'o
To: Kernel Summit Invitees


This year, we will be hosting the 2009 kernel summit in Tokyo, Japan,
just before the Japan Linux Symposium. For those of you who have
attended in the past, I hope you found last year's workshop to be

We would like to invite you to the 2009 Kernel summit, and we hope that
you will be able to join us.

The dates for the summit are October 19-20, and as before we will have
an opening reception/social the evening before the start of the
conference, on October 18th. Because of the economy, we have set aside
extra money for travel scholarships; so if you having trouble getting
travel funding/approval, and need some assistance, please so indicate on
the registration web site, and send us e-mail --- we can almost
certainly work something out.

This year, the Linux Foundation will again be handling the logistics.
The registration web page is at:

Please register as soon as you can; in addition, I would appreciate if
you can drop me an e-mail message one way or another ASAP. In
particular, negative RSVP's are appreciated so we can invite someone
else to take your spot. (Again, if you are worried about travel, please
let us know earlier rather than later, so we have time to try to work
things out.)

If you have any comments or suggestions, please feel free to contact us
either individually or as a group at Many thanks!!!

The 2009 Kernel Summit Program Committee